
Journeys to Journos
Hosted by Brianna Crummy, Alexis Arnold & Mariah Espada

“Journeys to Journos” is a news group chat brought to life. As my friends and I explored our career paths into a changing media landscape, we also interviewed our colleagues about their own journeys into journalism. The podcast became a place to put our thoughts and questions about the industry. We ponder what it means to be doing this work in the world we’re living in today.


Bri, Mar and Alexis reflect on season two's series of guests and what they learned. The journos share what they're up to now and what lies ahead on their journeys. 

Tech columnist Taylor Lorenz has covered the internet since its early days, giving light to online culture. She shares what it's like being online while covering the space, forcing the industry to take her reporting seriously and how the future of journalism will meld with the world of content creation. 

The journos interned at their fair share of places like CNN, Forbes and NPR. They are giving the rundown on how they scored them, what they did after they landed them, and when things didn't always go as planned.